If you would like this document in BSL or other accessible format, please get in touch. 

How much does an interpreter cost?

The cost of interpreting services varies according to length of the booking, preparation requirements, travel times and experience. 

Interpreters tend to follow the NUBSLI guidelines for interpreting fees when providing quotes.
Typically interpreters will offer either a "short duration" fee, "half day" and "full day" fee. This is up to the discretion of the interpreter.

Travel costs to the booked venue are an additional fee (The current guideline for this is 45p per mile.) 


Please note, fees are not non-negotiable, and will depend on many factors. Get in touch to discuss prices, fees and individual needs. 

What else can an interpreter do?

My qualifications mean I am proficient in providing the following services: 
-Interpreting between English/BSL 
-Translating between English/BSL (written text and video source) 
-Subtitle and caption services 
-Tuition in BSL (non-accredited) 

Are interpreters registered anywhere?

Yes, as a RSLI I am required to be registered with the National Registers of Communication Professionals (NRCPD) 
I am also a member of VLP, and have indemnity insurance for my work. 
Interpreters adhere to a strict code of conduct, provided by ASLI. 

For more information on any of the above, please get in touch.